Mimi and Eunice – Life isn’t Fair – http://mimiandeunice.com
- Box 1: Life isn’t fair.
- Box 2: Nope.
- Box 3: Luckily, it’s unfair to our advantage!
- fair (adj.) /feər/ you are treated in a fair way when the treatment you receive is equal to others’, when it’s done according to the rules or when it seems right or reasonable.
- nope (adv.) /nəʊp/ informal or slang word for no.
- luckily (adv.) /ˈlʌk.əl.i/ because of good luck.
- advantage /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/ if something is to your advantage, it will help you succeed.
- This comic strip is making us take a new perspective on life. Many people often complain that life isn’t fair, and that’s true. But if you can read this on a computer or mobile screen, you are probably not in such a bad economical situation. So, this comic strip encourages us to take it to our advantage and not to feel down because we are treated unfairly.
Language Feature
- prefix un-
- Notice the pair of words in the transcript: fair & unfair.
- Un– is a prefix (= you can add it at the beginning of words). The meaning of un- is: not, or the opposite of. For examples:
- unfair = not fair
- unjust = not just
- unequal = not equal